Friday Feeling!

Well another step closer to Christmas, and I think I've just about got my Christmas shopping all done. Final few bits are needed but the vast majority is spent. thank god! So now I'm broke, but I've also bought myself presents too. Do any of you do that? But anyway, I wanted to quickly say all the Large Gloves are now gone, sold out, kaput, zeroed ! And I don't think for now I will be restocking, not for the foreseeable anyway. so Thank you if you grabbed a set, all other sizes are still available and still on sale ! 

Sale Price: £9.99 Original Price: £19.99

Been using  the angry little lemon as the daily

So the X5 broke, shock, its in being worked on at the minute but I've been hacking around in the Clio & what a fantastically little fun car it is, I need to sort some bits on it but I did post a YouTube video recently on how we've got it back on the road. Check it out if you get a few minutes! 

I saw a name pop up recently in the orders which just gave me so many happy memories, I even text him as soon as I saw, Chris Purr - also known as BUILDCREATE on YouTube, purchase a couple of bits from me. Man I miss this guy, I met him over 10 years ago when we both built Hondas, well now we are both building other random things but I plan on getting together with him next year. Look at how good the Flag looks in his unit with his SVX. Check out his Youtube here: 

Anyway, I have a few more bits to do before I can dip out for the weekend, but I hope to muster some motivation to go build some cars this weekend, I have only a few hours free on Saturday but I would like to make a start for sure. But we will see, I've been given a few days off over Christmas too, but and there is a but, I want to start streaming over on twitch again. So I may jump on there. 
have a great weekend everyone! 


Artisan GT-R, is this the ultimate GTR


A Warmer Time @ The V2Lab Mystery Meat